CSA Newsletter - Summer - Week 3

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We are so grateful that the heatwave is over and we get to work under overcast skies once again. That stretch of heat was rough! On Monday we started at 5:00 and stopped by 11:00. It was just too darn hot and didn’t feel safe to keep working. Miraculously, we didn’t lose any crops to excessive temps, though some of the new transplants look a little worse for the wear. I was shocked that the pea harvest was so abundant. As a rule, peas hate the heat and they tend to go downhill fast when it gets in the 80’s. We probably won’t get as many pickings as usual, so enjoy them while you can. As you will see in your box, the summer squash went gang busters. They picked it super hard on Friday morning and by Monday were finding lunkers. I wish I could have set up a time lapse camera.

green onions
beets or chard
French crisp or red leaf lettuce
summer squash
shell peas
snow peas
snap peas
cilantro or Italian parsley
Kohlrabi-large shares only

Summer Squash: The other varieties are coming on the scene. Everyone should have gotten a yellow crookneck, half got a yellow patty pan, and the other half got an Italian zucchini called Costata Romanesco. They all have slightly different flavors and textures, but can be used interchangeably.
Shell Peas: As mentioned last week, you will need to shell these before eating. We rarely cook them, but rather put a bowl of unshelled peas on the dinner table and everyone just digs in. They make a great snack for kids as they are super sweet and fun to shell.
Kohlrabi: Large shares get one this week. Small shares will get one in the next week or two. Kohlrabi is in the brassica family (think broccoli and cabbage. It is crunchy like an apple, sweet, and has a subtle broccoli flavor. You will want to peel the skin before eating. The easiest way to do this is to cut it in half and then cut again into half moons. Use a pairing knife to cut away the outer skin. You can cook with it, but we prefer it raw. It makes a great snack or a palette cleanser.
Italian Parsley: Use it in tabouli or whip up some chimichurri to pour over a stir fry. Parsley is excellent when minced and sprinkled atop steamed, buttered potatoes.

4TH OF JULY: (For Sunday Members….)
We will deliver share on the 4th as usual. If you want to pick it up Saturday instead, let me know by the end of the day Thursday.

Going on vacation? Have an upcoming appointment? If you need to change your pick up day and location, you can easily do it by logging into your account. From your dashboard, click on Box Schedule and Delivery and make the necessary changes. You can either donate your share or get a double box at some point in the future. You can decide when to get it. You must make changes 48 hours in advance. If something comes up last minute, you can email me and I can make the change for you.

That’s all for today, Have a great week!

Jennifer Belknap