Meatloaf with Lots of Hidden Veggies

Though I despised meatloaf as a child I love it now, especially in the late fall and winter when I crave filling comfort foods. This recipe calls for pureeing a whole host of vegetables and adding it to the meat. This is perfect for kids or others who claim to hate _______ (fill in the blank)! I vary the veggie contents based on what I have on hand. This recipe is pretty forgiving so feel free to modify. Serve with mashed potatoes and a big salad. Then enjoy cold leftovers for lunch during the week.

2 lbs. ground beef (you can use a mix of pork, cow, bison, whatever….)
2 slices bacon (Optional)
1 onion or leek –chopped
2 cloves garlic
1 large carrot-chopped
1 potato-chopped
½ stalk celery chopped
½ green pepper
½ cup tomato sauce or catsup
1 tsp paprika
1-2 tsp dried herbs (thyme, marjoram, savory, basil-choose what you like_
¼ cup minced parsley
1 cup fine bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste.
1 egg

-Put meat into a large mixing bowl.
-Puree all the veggies and bacon if using. Add to meat.
-Add the egg, breadcrumbs, and herbs and mix altogether.
-Press into 2 bread pans and bake at 375 for about an hour. Cooking time varies with how many of what vegetables you add. When the edges start pulling away from the side of the pan and top is a bit brown, it is probably done, but check for pinkness in the middle or insert meat thermometer and follow the recommendation for the type of meat you are using.