CSA Newsletter - Summer - Week 17

Summer - Week 17

NEXT WEEK is the last delivery for the summer CSA.

I recommend bringing bags with you to pack your box into, so you don’t have to remember to bring your box back. You will have until the following week to return your boxes back to the pick-up site. After that, you can always return them to the Olympia Farmers Market.

If you signed up for a fall share or storage share, I will send a separate email regarding delivery dates and other details. The fall share is full at this time.

beets or chard
kale for half of you (the rest get it next week)
bell pepper
Ozette potatoes
butternut squash

Butternut squash: As with the other squash, wait about 2 weeks before you eat it.
Celeriac: (See photo below). Also known as celery root, it is a cousin to celery. It is bred for a bulbous root, rather than tender greens. The texture is a lot like a potato, and it possess a subtle celery flavor. You’ll want to peel it, as the outer skin is a little tough. You can cube it and add it to a root veggie roast, soups and stews, or boil with your potatoes for a hint of celery in your mashed potatoes.

Everything else will be familiar.

That’s all I got for tonight. I just wanted to make sure you knew about the celeriac and the date of the last box!


Jennifer Belknap